
Communication strategy

Bastiaanse Communication is a company specialised in the field of life science communication. Our team helps you use the power of communication by creating and delivering intelligent and innovative communication strategies and programmes. We do not only formulate communication strategies, but also actively implement strategy-based communication plans.

Our dedicated staff of communication professionals with a firm background, vast knowledge and extensive network in the field life science food and feed enables us to communicate complex scientific messages in understandable ways. Focus areas are the three interwoven components of food and feed quality:

  • safety
  • nutrition
  • health

Bastiaanse Communication links the domains of communication, safety, nutrition and health that are generally recognised as a necessary element of efforts to improve food and feed quality.

Bastiaanse Communication offers a wide range of service to food and feed companies, industry associations, research organisations, government agencies and consumer organisations in a European dimension, including:

  • food and feed safety communication strategies
  • nutrition and health positioning
  • nutrition and health communication strategies
  • nutritional evaluations, health claims, nutrition education, etc.
  • professional conferences, symposia, workshops and training courses
  • media seminars