About RME2014


Conference history


Advisory committee


Programme at a glance


Conference programme


Workshop programme


Sponsors & exhibitors




Programme at a glance

An instrument & manufacturers exhibition runs concurrent to the programme.

Monday 31 March 2014

Opening of RME2014

Plenary Keynote Lecture: Reducing the phytosanitary risks in production systems and global trade of plant material – how rapid and reliable methods can help both business and
inspection agencies. John van Ruiten, Director, Naktuinbouw, the Netherlands

Plenary Keynote Lecture: Proficiency testing: ticking the box for my accreditation or educational tool? Dr. Kate Wilkinson, FAPAS, The Food and Environment Research Agency, UK

14:00 – 15:45
Plenary meeting: Challenges for rapid methods – an industry point of view
Experts from the industry will explore the requirements that would be expected from a rapid measurement device to be accepted for use in a global market place.
Speakers from Mars Incorporated, UK; Nestlι Research Center, Switzerland; and Labaqua, Spain

15:45 – 16:45
Workshops & hands-on-training

  • R-Biopharm: Innovative sample clean-up methods for mycotoxin analysis
  • Qiagen: Viability PCR – the next level in using PCR as a detection technology for microorganisms
  • BioDot: Dispensing technology impact on test line intensity and width
  • MAITRE: Hands-on training – communicating food science research

17:00 – 19:00
Excursion to the Keukenhof

19:30 – 21:00
RME's Lounge Party

Tuesday 1 April 2014

08:30 – 09:00
Plenary Keynote Lecture: Rapid microbiology methods and The Coca-Cola Company. Dr. Colm Scully, Coca-Cola Services, Belgium

09:00 – 09:30
Lightning talks: Short presentations by exhibitors

09:30 – 12:30
Parallel session 1: Advances in microbial sampling and analysis
The future of rapid methods in microbiology is very bright with many new developments and applications, but sampling is often the forgotten beginning.

Parallel session 2: Advances in contaminant analysis
Advanced technologies provide many opportunities for improved detection. Novel technologies aside, a closer look needs to be taken at upstream sample preparation steps, even as they are applied to traditional detection technologies.

12:30 – 13:30
Workshops & hands-on-training
Poster viewing

13:30 – 17:00
Parallel session 3: Advances in microbial analysis
This session provides an insight into selected areas of microbial analysis where there have been recent advances or where the pathogen itself has some topicality.

Parallel session 4: Advances in contaminant analysis
Selected areas of contaminant analysis where there have been recent advances or where
the contaminant itself has some topicality are highlighted.

17:00 – 18:30
Poster viewing & drinks

Conference dinner (reservations only)

Wednesday 2 April 2014

08:30 – 10:45
Parallel session 5: Future developments in the area of food and environmental analysis
Coming soon?

Parallel session 6: RME2014 meets MoniQA
MoniQA is an international and interdisciplinary network of professionals from institutions working in food research, regulatory bodies and trade. Reliable rapid methods for food safety and quality analysis, and international standards will be presented

11:15 – 12:45
Final plenary meeting: Food authenticity – after Burgergate and Fishgate...what is next?
Authenticity yesterday, today and tomorrow!

12:45 Closing of RME2014

13:00 – 15:00
MoniQA Association General Assembly (by invitation only)









Conference Secretariat: Bastiaanse Communication, P.O. Box 179, NL-3720 AD Bilthoven, the Netherlands

T +31 30 2294247, F +31 30 2252910, RME@bastiaanse-communication.com