About RME2014


Conference history


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Programme at a glance


Conference programme


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Conference history

In 2004, the RME conference series started as 'Rapid Methods Europe'. During the years, RME has strengthened its position as an important meeting point for academia and industry. RME provides a reference source for anyone interested in the developments in the shift from slower, traditional measurements to more rapid detection of biological and chemical contaminants in food, feed and water.

The term 'rapid' is used variously in discussions of rapid methodology and instrumentation. It should be noted that 'rapid' is not a goal in itself. In addition to increased speed, rapid methods must also take account of other criteria such as sampling and sample preparation, multitarget screening, lower detection limits, accuracy and sensitivity, data analysis, total costs proportionate to the benefi ts, etc., eventually leading to methods best suited for use.


21-23 January 2013

Book of abstracts 


24-26 January 2011

Book of abstracts 


25-27 January 2010

Book of abstracts 


26-28 January 2009

Book of abstracts 


21-23 January 2008

Book of abstracts 


29-30 January 2007

Book of abstracts 


24-25 May 2005

Book of abstracts



25-26 March 2004

Book of abstracts






Conference Secretariat: Bastiaanse Communication, P.O. Box 179, NL-3720 AD Bilthoven, the Netherlands

T +31 30 2294247, F +31 30 2252910, RME@bastiaanse-communication.com