An instrument & manufacturers exhibition runs concurrent to the programme.
13.30 |
Opening of Rapid Methods Europe 2008 |
Plenary meeting: Setting the scene
Chair: Dr. Aart van Amerongen, Wageningen University, Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group, the Netherlands
13.45 |
Strategic considerations in choosing a rapid method: an industrial perspective
Dr. John D. Marugg, Nestlé Research Centre, Quality & Safety Department, Switzerland |
14.30 |
Market research information regarding rapid testing
Tom Weschler, Strategic Consulting, Inc., USA |
15.15 |
Networking break / instrument & manufactures exhibition
Parallel session 1: Microbiological contaminants
Dr. Aart van Amerongen, Wageningen University, Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group, the Netherlands |
15.45 |
Sample preparation for rapid microbial analysis
Prof.dr. Mieke Uyttendaele, Ghent University, Department of Food Safety and Food Quality, Belgium |
16.30 |
Trends in rapid methods and automation in microbiology
Dr. Chris Baylis, CCFRA, Microbiological Methods Research Group, UK |
17.15 |
Contributed paper:
The application of flow cytometry to the study of Bacillus endospores Dr. Ultan P. Cronin, University of Limerick, Department of Life Sciences, Ireland
17.30 |
Contributed paper: Quantitative multiplex detection of plant
pathogens using PRI-lock probes and universal, ultra-high-throughput real-time PCR on OpenArraysTM
Dr. Cor D. Schoen, Plant Research International, the Netherlands |
Parallel session 2: Chemical contaminants
Chair: Dr. Bert Popping, Eurofins Scientific Group, UK |
15.45 |
Sample preparation procedures for rapid laboratory analyses
Prof.dr. Janusz Pawliszyn, University of Waterloo, Department of Chemistry, Canada |
16.30 |
Rapid detection of multiple chemical contaminants
Prof.dr. Chris Elliott, Queen's University, Institute of Agri-Food and Land Use, UK |
17.15 |
Contributed paper:
Combined affinity-luciferase inhibition assay for patulin detection in apple juices Prof.dr. Christine Wittmann, Neubrandenburg University of Applied
Sciences, Department of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Germany |
17.30 |
Contributed paper: Fast comprehensive screening of organic
contaminants in the food chain using UPLC with full scan mass spectrometric detection Dr. Hans Mol, RIKILT Institute of Food Safety, the Netherlands
17.45 - 19.00 Rapid Methods' Lounge Party |
Parallel session 3: Microbiological contaminants
Dr. Aart van Amerongen, Wageningen University, Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group, the Netherlands |
08.30 |
How to successfully incorporate new detection technologies into the food industry value chain
Dr. Sigrid Brynestad, Det Norske Veritas, DNV Research and Innovation, Norway |
09.00 |
Pushing lateral flow to the limits: generating rapid, highly
sensitive field tests suitable for food pathogens detection Dr. Brendan O'Farrell, Diagnostic Consulting Network, USA |
09.30 |
Rapid DNA immunoassays on a magneto-resistance biosensor
Marjo Koets, Philips Research, the Netherlands. |
10.00 |
Networking break / instrument & manufacturers exhibition
10.30 |
Pathogen detection: a perspective of biosensors vs. traditional methods Dr. Francisco Javier Del Campo, National Centre of Microelectronics, Institute of
Microelectronics of Barcelona, Spain |
11.00 |
Microbiological quality control in infant milk formula by impedance technology Dr. Matthias Fischer, Milupa, Central Laboratories Friedrichsdorf, Germany
11.30 |
Disposable electrochemical genosensor for the rapid and simultaneous detection of foodborne pathogens
Dr. Marco Mascini, University of Florence, Department of Chemistry, Italy |
Parallel session 4: Chemical contaminantsChair: Prof.dr. Sarah De Saeger, Ghent University, Department of Bio-analysis, Belgium
08.30 |
On-line detection of chemical contaminants
Dr. Ibtisam E. Tothill, Cranfield University, Cranfield Health, UK |
09.00 |
Rapid methods for determining migration of compounds from packaging materials
Dr. Barbara Raffael, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Italy |
09.30 |
Bioanalytical platforms for residue analysis based on different transducer principles Dr. M.-Pilar Marco, IIQAB-CSIC, Department of Biological Organic
Chemistry, Applied Molecular Receptors Group, Spain |
10.00 |
Networking break / instrument & manufacturers exhibition
10.30 |
Detection of the chemical adulterant melamine in pet food and other products Dr. Sonja Schittko, Eurofins Analytik, Germany |
11.00 |
Rapid screening of heavy metals in food and feed
Prof.dr. Rolandas Meskys, Institute of Biochemistry, Lithuania |
11.30 |
Rapid identification of fungal metabolites using time-of-flight mass spectrometry Dr. Hamide Z. Senyuva, Scientific and Technological Research Council of
Turkey, Ankara Test and Analysis Laboratory, Turkey |
12.00 - 13.30 Lunch break
Schedule of activities during lunch break:
Parallel session 5: Microbiological contaminants Chair: Dr. Kitty Maassen, Wageningen University, Animal Sciences Group, the Netherlands |
13.30 |
Multiplex detection in the food production chain using xMAP technology
Dr. Jan H.W. Bergervoet, Plant Research International, the Netherlands |
14.00 |
Rapid molecular detection of food- and waterborne diseases
Stephan Keller, Technical University of Denmark, Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Denmark |
14.30 |
Rapid detection of viruses: prospects and limitations
Prof.dr. Rosa M. Pintó, University of Barcelona, Department of Microbiology, Spain |
15.00 |
Networking break / instrument & manufacturers exhibition
15.30 |
Use of the piezoelectric-excited millimeter-sized cantilever (PEMC) sensors for detecting Escherichia coli O157:H7
Prof.dr. Raj Mutharasan, Drexel University, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, USA |
16.00 |
Routine serotyping to pinpoint Salmonella
in the food chain Ron van Santen, DSM Food Specialties, the Netherlands |
16.30 |
Calibrated biosensors for the rapid detection of pathogens in milk
Dr. Holger Klapproth, University of Freiburg, Institute for Microsystem Technology, Germany |
17.00 |
Spotlight presentation:
The novel use of bacteriaphage as a selective agent in a pathogen detection system Dr. Orla Cloak, SDI Europe Ltd., UK |
17.15 |
Spotlight presentation:
Lateral flow assay development – a fully phased approach Emma Whitworth, BBInternational, UK |
Parallel session 6: Food & feed qualityChair: Dr. Bert Popping, Eurofins Scientific Group, UK
13.30 |
Spectroscopic methods (fluorescence, mid-infrared) to address the molecular structure of food products
Prof.dr. Eric Dufour, Enita Clermont-Ferrand, Food Quality and Economics Department, France |
14.00 |
Evaluation of PCR vs. ELISA for detection of various allergens in food
Elisabeth Burgmaier-Thielert, Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Sigmaringen, Germany |
14.30 |
NASBA-based detection: a new tool for high-throughput GMO diagnostics in food and feedstuffs Dr. Dany Morisset, National Institute of Biology, Department of
Biotechnology and Systems Biology, Slovenia |
15.00 |
Networking break / instrument & manufacturers exhibition
15.30 |
Rapid detection of feed quality: the 'artificial senses'
Prof.dr. Federica Cheli, University of Milan, Department of Veterinary Sciences and Technologies for Food Safety, Italy |
16.00 |
Modern approaches for detection and species specific identification of meat and bone meal in feeds Dr. Christoph von Holst, DG Joint Research Centre,
Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, Belgium |
16.30 |
Quality improvement of agricultural crops by point of care monitoring Dr. Michel J.M. Ebskamp, Genetwister Technologies, the Netherlands |
17.00 |
Spotlight presentation: Development of colloidal gold-based
lateral-flow dipstick immunoassay for rapid simultaneous detection of mycotoxins zearalenone and deoxynivalenol
Dr. Liberty Sibanda, Euro-Diagnostica BV, the Netherlands |
17.15 - 18.30 Schedule of activities:
Parallel session 7: Microbiological contaminants
Dr. Kitty Maassen, Wageningen University, Animal Sciences Group, the Netherlands |
08.30 |
Microarray for Salmonella
antibiotic resistance genes based on carbon nanoparticle labelling: optimizing assay parameters using flatbed scanning and image analysis Dr. Aart van
Amerongen, Wageningen University, Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group, the Netherlands |
09.00 |
Rapid detection of the protozoan parasites Cryptosporidium and
Giardia in food and water Prof.dr. Huw V. Smith, Scottish Parasite Diagnostic Laboratory, UK |
09.30 |
Rapid characterisation and identification of pathogens via Raman spectroscopic techniques
Prof.dr. Jürgen Popp, Friedrich Schiller University, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Germany |
10.00 |
Contributed paper:
Immunochromatographic test using fluorescent immunoliposomes for the detection of Staphylococcus enterotoxin B and microcystins in food and water
Nathalie Khreich, French Atomic Energy Commission, Department of Life Sciences, France |
10.15 |
Spotlight presentation: MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry of intact cells
– SARAMIS successfully evaluated in clinical routine diagnostics Dr. Wibke Kallow, Anagnos Tec GmbH / Shimadzu Benelux, the Netherlands |
10.30 |
Networking break / instrument & manufacturers exhibition
Parallel session 8: Food & feed quality
Chair: Prof.dr. Sarah De Saeger, Ghent University, Department of Bio-analysis, Belgium |
08.30 |
New screening methods for rapid detection of toxic compounds in food
Dr. William van Dongen, TNO Quality of Life, the Netherlands |
09.00 |
Recombinant antibodies, their advantages for use in rapid detection systems for food analysis
Dr. Markus Vehniäinen, University of Turku, Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, Finland |
09.30 |
Endocrine disrupting compounds in food: assay for the assessment of thyroidal activity Dr. Eline P. Meulenberg, ELTI Support VOF, the Netherlands
10.00 |
Contributed paper: Development of an original DNA extraction
protocol for the species specific identification of PAPs particles in feed using NIRM and real-time PCR Dr. Olivier Fumière, Walloon Agricultural Research
Centre, Department Quality of Agricultural Products, Belgium |
10.15 |
Spotlight presentation: Rapid final product release and process
control by ultra-sensitive D-Count® and BactiFlow® flowcytometers Elke Kohler, AES Chemunex, Germany |
10.30 |
Networking break / instrument & manufacturers exhibition
Plenary meeting: What does the future hold?
Chair: Dr. Bert Popping, Eurofins Scientific Group, UK |
11.00 |
Vision solutions for the food and beverage industry
Dr. Rick H.J. van de Zedde, M.Sc., Greenvision, the Netherlands |
11.45 |
Towards living devices: opportunities and challenges for future instrumentation Dr. Klaus-Peter Zauner, University of Southampton, School of Electronics and
Computer Science, Science and Engineering of Natural Systems Group, UK |
12.30 |
Closing of Rapid Methods Europe 2008 |